Northland Pest Plant System
A region wide pest plant management system designed to integrate with the existing Bay of Plenty and Waikato systems
Following the success of the Bay of Plenty Regional Council's Geopest system and Waikato Regional Council's Plantell system, Northland Regional Council have asked us to replicate this into their ArcGIS portal.
Of course, every council has specific needs and different methods so the trick in replicating a system like this is to cover all these individual needs while keeping the schema of the systems similar enough so that they can be integrated eventually they combine to become a national system.
The Northland Regional Council system not only has the advantage of several years of real world use and learning from the other systems, but many technological advancements in ArcGIS Online. Where in the past we relied heavily on external processes running on a separate server to run complex calculations, we can now do most of these "in-app" with Esri's maturing Arcade Coding language.